Naive Bayes has a wide range of applications in sentiment analysis, author identification, information retrieval and word disambiguation. It's a very popular method since it's relatively simple to train, easy to use and interpret. In this article, I will summarize how to use Naive Bayes to perform sentiment analysis on text data.
General Idea
Bayes Rule for determining if a word is positive or negative:
When you use Naive Bayes to predict the sentiments of a writing, what you're actually doing is estimating the probability for each sentiment by using the joint probability of the words in sentiments. The Naive Bayes formula is just the ratio between these two probabilities, the products of the priors and the likelihoods.
The Naive Bayes inference formula for this kind of binary classification:
However, the formula above is the products of ratio, which brings risk of underflow. To solve this problem, you can take the log likelihood of this formula, which is just to take the sum of the logarithms of the ratios:
Now, you have got the Naive Bayes formula to predict the sentiments of writings. Now the problem becomes to get the ratios in formula B.
Only 5 steps are needed before you get the answer by Naive Bayes:
Preprocess text data
Compute (word, sentiment) frequency
Calculate probability of (word, sentiment) with Laplacian Smoothing
Get lambdas and log prior
Predict the sentiment
Among them, step 1 and step 2 are just the same as the first 2 steps in my first article.
Now, let’s see what’s actually happening in each step.
Step 1: Preprocess text data
There are several steps in text data preprocessing:
Tokenizing the string
It means split the string into individual words without blanks or tabs
‘HAPPY’, ‘Happy’ -> ‘happy’
Removing stop words and punctuation
Stop words: 'is', 'and', 'a', ‘are’, …
Punctuation: ',', '.', ':', '!', ...
Remove handles and URLs if necessary
@Nickname, Https://...
'tuned’', 'tuning', 'tune' -> 'tun'
The preprocessed text data looks like this:
Step 2: Compute (word_i, sentiment) frequency
It is the same as the process of creating the frequency dictionary from the processed text data as mentioned in my last article. The keys in this dictionary are pairs of words and sentiment. The values in the dictionary are the frequencies of all the pairs of (word, sentiment).
The results frequency table looks like this:
Step 3: Calculate probability of (word_i, sentiment) with Laplacian Smoothing
Laplacian smoothing is a technique to avoid probabilities being zero by making a slight change to the formula:
Adding 1 to the numerator to avoid probability being 0
Adding the total number of unique words in vocabulary to the denominator to make sure all the probabilities in each column still sum up to 1
Probability with Laplacian Smoothing:
The probability table after smoothing looks like this:
Step 4: Get lambdas and log prior
Lambda is the log of the ratio of the probability that a word is positive and the probability that the word is negative.
Log prior is the logarithm of the prior probability of different sentiment, it is also the first term in formula B. If the dataset is balanced, then the log prior here is 0. This term is important if the dataset is unbalanced.
Step 5: Predict the sentiment of a writing
Everything is ready now!
You can now predict the sentiment of a writing by summing all the lambdas for each word that appeared in the writing, as well as the log prior term. Based on the formula B, the threshold for your decision is 0, so if you get a score greater than 0, then the according writing is positive, otherwise is negative.
Problems with Naive Bayes method for sentiment analysis
Although Naive Bayes is easy to train and use, it has some problems that may cause potential misclassifications.
Naive Bayes assumes words in a piece of text are independent from each other.
This assumption is not necessarily true. This could lead you to under or overestimates the conditional probabilities of individual words.
Naive Bayes relies on the distribution of the training data sets.
Naive Bayes will be either too optimistic or too pessimistic if the training data set is quite unbalanced, which is usually the case to happen in reality because in the real social application stream, positive cases tend to occur more often since negative cases might contain violent or other offensive content that is banned by the platform or muted by other users. So if one day you use some real world data, it’s better to check if the data is balanced or not. Good news is most of the available annotated corpora are artificially balanced, containing the same proportion of positive and negative tweets as a random sample would.
Word order matters
Word order matters to the sentiment, however, it gets missed by Naive Bayes method here.
For example, “I'm happy because I did not go.” is positive, “I'm not happy because I did go.” is negative, the word ‘not’ is very important to the sentiment, but the Naive Bayes here can’t tell this difference.
Adversarial attack
It describes some language phenomena, such as sarcasm, irony and euphemism. Naive Bayes tend to give completely opposite predictions.
For example, “The movie was ridiculously powerful and I cried right through until the ending”, this is a positive comment on a movie, but if you preprocess the sentence, you will get a sequence of negative words, and the Naive Bayes will give a negative prediction using these negative words.
All the pictures in this article are also from the course “ Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces ”. I highly recommend Natural Language Processing Specialization on Coursera. This article is a part of my review after this course, I will continue summarizing what I’ve learnt next.
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